We, the KLAVIER GALERIE, are now part of the Viennese repair network. https://www.reparaturnetzwerk.at/ To be able to use the repair bonus, you must register on the repair bonus website and …
We are now part of the Viennese repair network

We, the KLAVIER GALERIE, are now part of the Viennese repair network. https://www.reparaturnetzwerk.at/ To be able to use the repair bonus, you must register on the repair bonus website and …
With the piano gallery you can now touch Christmas joy! From 13.11.2023 to 10.01.2024 you will receive -15% off the total price of your piano purchase, including the piano bench …
The start of school is approching and we have a very special rental offer for all families: Our school start promotion! From only €22 per month, you can fulfil your …
If you buy a piano from us or have it repaired, you can pay amounts from € 1,500 on instalments – without interest, without fees – and with a term …
Music makes no distinction between origin, language or religion. Music is a global language that is spoken everywhere and understood everywhere. Music connects. „Open Piano for Refugees“ aims to promote …
ZDF report on the donation of six grand pianos and ten upright pianos by the Carl-Bechstein-Foundation to the Lebanese National Conservatory in Beirut. Technical exchange In the course of …
The Klavier Galerie has been helping for 15 years: with a mobile piano and volunteer musicians, it collects donations for Médecins Sans Frontières. CEO Ernest Bittner and Michael Waldegg tell …