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Carl-Bechstein-Foundation donates 16 pianos

Carl-Bechstein-Foundation donates 16 pianos

ZDF report on the donation of six grand pianos and ten upright pianos by the Carl-Bechstein-Foundation to the Lebanese National Conservatory in Beirut.


Technical exchange

In the course of the donation, also a technical exchange by piano technicians took place. The pianos, a C. Bechstein D-282 concert grand, five grand pianos Feurich 179 – Dynamic II as well as 10 uprights Feurich Mod. 122 – Universal, were accompanied by concert tuner Stéphane Boussuge from the C. Bechstein Centre Vienna, who, together with his colleague Antoine Rayes from the Beirut Conservatory, also performed the piano tuning of the new instruments. This was already their second meeting. Prior to the delivery of the pianos, Antoine Rayes had already been on a working visit to Vienna. The reunion in Beirut was obviously a pleasure!